me, study??
There are times when I wonder why do people want to think and rationalise so much.
I believe I speak for many people when I say that amassing vast amounts of knowledge is a big objective. The never-ending quest to challenge and develop my brain is, after all, one of my life's largest pursuits. But to what end? I have no answer to that.
They say 'ignorance is bliss', and i'm inclined to agree that they do have a point. When your mind is constantly crunching and spinning, you are no doubt, less carefree. I can attest to the fact. On the other hand, some lucky folks choose to well, 'ignore' and hence lead a blissful life. I cannot deny that innately, I yearn to just sit around doing mindless activities (read: nothing) and let my brain wilt and atrophy into a pulp. Haha..yeah, but if you know me you'll know that i do 'nothing' alot. But i don't do it as much as i wish to......why??
Ego plays a part, certainly. I won't deny the warm, fuzzy feeling I get inside, when someone showers me with compliments, when I am victorious in a debate, or when I do well in a certain test. Everyone revels in being a cut above the rest. Yes, everyone. It is human nature, after all. But this is definitely a selfish reason. Similar to masturbating our very own egoes.
That being said, altruism is another reason too. We like to think that we have a responsiblity and obligation to enlighten misguided souls, and steer them away from self-destruction. And maybe, perhaps receive recognition and gratitude at the end of it all. I say we are kidding ourselves.
No offence, but, sometimes, when I come across academic journals, I can't help but feel sorry for the authors. All that jargon, flowery language and mind-numbing research gone into compiling those 'ground-breaking findings', as they're sometimes called . But how many people will read them (or understand them, for that matter)? How many lives will they change?
Most of these scholars will probably die unknowns, their work underappreciated. Whereas when Lindsay Lohan appears on TV, she instantly influences how millions of girls talk and dress.
The sad fact is that, we're not gonna change a thing.
So unless you're an awesome, extraordinary genius on the scale of Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking, you're not gonna change the world.
What the more we can do, is to apply our the full extent of our abilities to whatever path we have chosen, and to never stop improving. Hopefully, we'll reach the top by sheer merit, or at least somewhere close to the top.
Enough of that.
Study? It's not like you're gonna make much of a difference. So why bother?? Haha..okay i'm kidding. Call it a desperate attempt to find an excuse not to study. With exams imminent, you can't blame me =)
You can do it!! Study!!!!!!!!!!! *sigh*
There are times when I wonder why do people want to think and rationalise so much.
I believe I speak for many people when I say that amassing vast amounts of knowledge is a big objective. The never-ending quest to challenge and develop my brain is, after all, one of my life's largest pursuits. But to what end? I have no answer to that.
They say 'ignorance is bliss', and i'm inclined to agree that they do have a point. When your mind is constantly crunching and spinning, you are no doubt, less carefree. I can attest to the fact. On the other hand, some lucky folks choose to well, 'ignore' and hence lead a blissful life. I cannot deny that innately, I yearn to just sit around doing mindless activities (read: nothing) and let my brain wilt and atrophy into a pulp. Haha..yeah, but if you know me you'll know that i do 'nothing' alot. But i don't do it as much as i wish to......why??
Ego plays a part, certainly. I won't deny the warm, fuzzy feeling I get inside, when someone showers me with compliments, when I am victorious in a debate, or when I do well in a certain test. Everyone revels in being a cut above the rest. Yes, everyone. It is human nature, after all. But this is definitely a selfish reason. Similar to masturbating our very own egoes.
That being said, altruism is another reason too. We like to think that we have a responsiblity and obligation to enlighten misguided souls, and steer them away from self-destruction. And maybe, perhaps receive recognition and gratitude at the end of it all. I say we are kidding ourselves.
No offence, but, sometimes, when I come across academic journals, I can't help but feel sorry for the authors. All that jargon, flowery language and mind-numbing research gone into compiling those 'ground-breaking findings', as they're sometimes called . But how many people will read them (or understand them, for that matter)? How many lives will they change?
Most of these scholars will probably die unknowns, their work underappreciated. Whereas when Lindsay Lohan appears on TV, she instantly influences how millions of girls talk and dress.
The sad fact is that, we're not gonna change a thing.
So unless you're an awesome, extraordinary genius on the scale of Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking, you're not gonna change the world.
What the more we can do, is to apply our the full extent of our abilities to whatever path we have chosen, and to never stop improving. Hopefully, we'll reach the top by sheer merit, or at least somewhere close to the top.
Enough of that.
Study? It's not like you're gonna make much of a difference. So why bother?? Haha..okay i'm kidding. Call it a desperate attempt to find an excuse not to study. With exams imminent, you can't blame me =)
You can do it!! Study!!!!!!!!!!! *sigh*
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